The Best Way to Avoid Septic System Problems
Preserve Your System With Septic Tank Maintenance
While septic tank cleaning is a job that you have to leave to the professionals, there are also some important things you can do to keep your system working without incident. Septic tank maintenance is mostly made up of commonsense things you’re probably doing anyway. Take a look at these tips from Boggero’s Septic Tank.
(864) 223-7023
For Your Maintenance Concerns
Preserve Your System With Septic Tank Maintenance
While septic tank cleaning is a job that you have to leave to the professionals, there are also some important things you can do to keep your system working without incident. Septic tank maintenance is mostly made up of commonsense things you’re probably doing anyway. Take a look at these tips from Boggero’s Septic Tank.
Septic Tank Maintenance Tips
Thinking twice about some of your everyday habits could help you get the most life out of your septic system. Here are a few simple things you can do to get the best results.
- Don’t treat your septic tank like a garbage can. Baby wipes, medications, cigarette butts, kitty litter, and coffee grounds are just a few of the things people try to flush. While they may not clog your toilet, they could spell trouble for your septic system.
- Watch how much water you’re using. Limit the amount of water that goes down the drain so your septic system has time to process it. Washing multiple loads of laundry every day, for example, could cause it to overfill. So could a leak in your toilets or faucets. Use water-saving showerheads and other fixtures whenever possible.
- Know where your septic tank is. Don’t park on the drainfield or drive vehicles over it. Adding a marker on top of the lid will minimize the excavation needed for inspection, pumping, and repairs.
- Never leave a septic tank open. Septic tanks have lids for a reason. Never leave your tank uncapped, as this can lead to serious injury or even death.
- Limit the chemicals you use around your home. Detergents, liquid drain cleaners, and household cleaners can cause your septic tank to work less efficiently. The same goes for water softeners.
- Get your septic tank pumped regularly. Routine septic tank cleaning is the best thing you can do to keep things working like clockwork.
What Happens if You Don’t Maintain
Your Septic Tank?
The saying “out of sight, out of mind” doesn’t necessarily apply to septic systems. In fact, ignoring your septic tank is the leading cause of unpleasant odors, sewage backups, and leaks. Keep track of the last time your tank was pumped, know how old your system is, make sure that everyone in your home is responsible with their water usage, and call Boggero’s Septic Tank whenever you have a concern.

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(864) 223-7023
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